Brian Pierpoint

Post Match Opponent(s) Rating Reliability
Date Competition Round Rating Reliability Score Name New Previous New Previous
2016-05-01 R2 Northern League 15mm 2016 2 2107 37.59 19.00 - 6.00 Steve Mills 2015 2016 30.63 30.75
2016-05-01 R2 Northern League 15mm 2016 1 2105 37.81 13.00 - 12.00 Keith Murphy 1762 1753 70.19 71.03
Tim Kohler 1772 1763 70.19 71.03
2014-07-13 Stoke Challenge 2014 15mm 2 2107 40.03 17.00 - 8.00 Roy Loach 1799 1794 72.64 73.41
2014-07-13 Stoke Challenge 2014 15mm 1 2109 40.16 0.00 - 25.00 Neil Sutherland 2016 2011 38.22 38.43
2014-03-16 R1 Northern League 15mm 2014 2 2115 40.40 22.00 - 3.00 Keith Nathan 1958 1962 50.21 50.71
2014-03-16 R1 Northern League 15mm 2014 1 2112 40.66 8.00 - 17.00 Chris Jolley 2029 2028 30.70 30.82
2013-12-15 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Sunday 2013 3 2114 41.31 16.00 - 9.00 Geoff Pearson 1958 1957 40.56 40.78
2013-12-15 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Sunday 2013 2 2115 41.55 19.00 - 6.00 Ian Austin 2132 2133 29.60 29.71
2013-12-15 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Sunday 2013 1 2112 41.85 25.00 - 0.00 Bill Skinner 1974 1978 46.47 46.83
2013-11-10 R5 Northern League 15mm 2013 2 2109 42.11 17.00 - 8.00 Roy Loach 1845 1840 115.25 120.25
2013-11-10 R5 Northern League 15mm 2013 1 2110 42.32 22.00 - 3.00 Chris Jolley 2027 2029 31.37 31.50
2013-07-14 Stoke Challenge 2013 15mm 2 2106 43.54 14.00 - 11.00 Peter Kershaw 1973 1972 40.82 41.06
2013-07-14 Stoke Challenge 2013 15mm 1 2107 43.83 15.00 - 10.00 Gordon Harrow 1997 1996 42.89 43.18
2013-02-24 R1 Northern League 15mm 2013 2 2108 44.14 25.00 - 2.00 Roger Greenwood 1935 1961 108.92 114.57
Alaistair Moore 2027 2055 108.92 114.57
2013-02-24 R1 Northern League 15mm 2013 1 2104 44.46 22.00 - 3.00 Steve Mills 2033 2037 43.60 43.94
2012-11-04 R5 Northern League 15mm 2012 2 2099 44.82 22.00 - 3.00 Roger Greenwood 1935 1985 149.59 165.32
Alaistair Moore 2027 2079 149.59 165.32
2012-11-04 R5 Northern League 15mm 2012 1 2095 45.11 22.00 - 3.00 Chris Jolley 2020 2023 33.70 33.86
2012-07-15 Stoke Challenge 2012 15mm 2 2090 44.17 13.00 - 12.00 Stuart Whigham 1878 1874 50.87 51.24
2012-07-15 Stoke Challenge 2012 15mm 1 2093 44.41 2.00 - 23.00 David Mather 2058 2053 42.98 43.30
2012-03-11 R1 Northern League 15mm 2012 2 2098 44.76 6.00 - 19.00 John Fletcher 2094 2092 54.36 54.99
2012-03-11 R1 Northern League 15mm 2012 1 2100 45.11 16.00 - 9.00 Keith Murphy 1809 1802 94.18 96.64
Tim Kohler 1794 1787 94.18 96.64
2011-12-10 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Saturday 2011 3 2101 45.72 23.00 - 2.00 Ian Mackay 2052 2062 70.16 71.59
2011-12-10 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Saturday 2011 2 2097 46.10 0.00 - 25.00 Steve Mills 2038 2025 62.21 63.16
2011-12-10 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Saturday 2011 1 2104 46.48 3.00 - 22.00 Geoff Pearson 1920 1912 46.48 46.78
2011-11-06 R5 Northern League 15mm 2011 2 2112 46.78 25.00 - 0.00 Keith Nathan 1977 1983 45.78 46.17
Thom Richardson 1988 1994 45.78 46.17
2011-11-06 R5 Northern League 15mm 2011 1 2106 47.20 15.00 - 10.00 Keith Murphy 1813 1803 99.22 102.14
Tim Kohler 1798 1788 99.22 102.14
2011-09-17 Stoke Challenge 2011 2 2108 48.43 23.00 - 2.00 Steve Scott 1910 1921 104.52 108.26
2011-09-17 Stoke Challenge 2011 1 2106 48.76 8.00 - 17.00 Steve Bainbridge 2072 2067 58.11 58.91
2011-03-27 R2 Northern League 15mm 2011 2 2109 49.22 12.00 - 13.00 Steve Mills 2050 2063 155.92 172.81
Bill Sherliker 2111 2124 155.92 172.81
2011-03-27 R2 Northern League 15mm 2011 1 2108 49.59 11.00 - 14.00 Chris Jolley 2025 2025 43.23 43.56
2010-12-12 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Sunday 2010 3 2109 52.04 22.00 - 3.00 John Fletcher 2041 2048 62.00 62.96
2010-12-12 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Sunday 2010 2 2104 52.60 4.00 - 21.00 Ian Austin 2163 2160 44.23 44.57
2010-12-12 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Sunday 2010 1 2108 53.19 23.00 - 2.00 Geoff Pearson 1905 1907 49.66 50.03
2010-12-11 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Saturday 2010 3 2105 53.65 23.00 - 2.00 Steve Mills 1971 1985 95.64 98.97
2010-12-11 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Saturday 2010 2 2101 54.18 13.00 - 12.00 John Fletcher 2016 2013 65.85 66.95
2010-12-11 Stockport Pick-n-Mix Saturday 2010 1 2103 54.78 16.00 - 9.00 John Davies 1978 1977 86.07 88.42
2010-11-28 R5 Northern League 15mm 2010 2 2103 55.35 23.00 - 2.00 Bill Skinner 2013 2022 72.83 74.36
2010-11-28 R5 Northern League 15mm 2010 1 2098 56.00 25.00 - 0.00 Geoff Pearson 1913 1917 51.82 52.27
2010-08-13 Britcon 2010 6 2093 56.57 3.00 - 22.00 Mike Bennett 2139 2125 83.45 85.87
2010-08-13 Britcon 2010 5 2099 57.28 22.00 - 3.00 Chris Jolley 2038 2042 48.13 48.57
2010-08-13 Britcon 2010 4 2093 58.04 22.00 - 3.00 Adrian Coombs-Hoar 1867 1869 62.70 63.39
2010-08-13 Britcon 2010 3 2091 58.59 1.00 - 24.00 Richard Aynsley 2141 2136 48.25 48.70
2010-08-13 Britcon 2010 2 2099 59.41 14.00 - 11.00 Bill Skinner 2000 1994 107.40 112.23
2010-08-13 Britcon 2010 1 2101 60.13 17.00 - 8.00 David Thompson 2210 2216 54.05 54.62
2010-07-25 Stoke Challenge 2010 2 2094 60.92 16.00 - 9.00 Mike Newnham 1894 1892 57.12 57.67
2010-07-25 Stoke Challenge 2010 1 2097 61.59 25.00 - 0.00 Neil Sutherland 2044 2056 69.39 70.75
2009-12-06 R5 Northern League 15mm 2009 2 2087 62.52 8.00 - 24.00 David Thompson 2209 2209 60.36 61.01
2009-12-06 R5 Northern League 15mm 2009 1 2087 63.25 20.00 - 12.00 Keith Nathan 1972 1977 92.12 95.38
Thom Richardson 1987 1992 92.12 95.38
2009-09-06 R4 Northern League 15mm 2009 2 2085 64.23 0.00 - 32.00 Neil Fox 2103 2045 149.82 165.15
2009-09-06 R4 Northern League 15mm 2009 1 2095 65.10 12.00 - 20.00 Chris Jolley 2030 2028 60.94 61.86
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 6 2098 67.67 15.00 - 10.00 Niall Taylor 2081 2083 71.56 73.05
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 5 2096 68.92 20.00 - 5.00 William Coughlan 2029 2034 61.82 62.75
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 4 2090 70.23 20.00 - 5.00 Jeavon Hood 1991 2000 92.10 95.15
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 3 2085 71.51 14.00 - 11.00 Colin Sharpe 2002 1990 174.53 198.00
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 2 2086 72.56 0.00 - 25.00 David Thompson 2221 2210 74.66 76.18
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 1 2096 73.95 22.00 - 3.00 Tony Dennis 1831 1833 64.43 65.08
2009-07-26 Stoke Challenge 2009 2 2094 74.95 23.00 - 2.00 Bill Skinner 1939 1945 65.73 66.70
2009-07-26 Stoke Challenge 2009 1 2087 76.42 23.00 - 2.00 John Saunders 1767 1771 101.41 103.52
2009-04-19 R2 Northern League 15mm 2009 2 2085 77.30 0.00 - 32.00 Chris Jolley 2036 2022 69.05 70.37
2009-04-19 R2 Northern League 15mm 2009 1 2104 79.18 0.00 - 32.00 David Thompson 2191 2179 82.37 84.35
2009-02-01 R1 Northern League 15mm 2009 2 2115 87.55 23.00 - 12.00 Keith Nathan 1978 1976 113.03 118.13
2009-02-01 R1 Northern League 15mm 2009 1 2116 89.75 19.00 - 13.00 Thom Richardson 2019 N/A 235.66 N/A
2008-11-30 R5 Northern League 15mm 2008 2 2117 91.27 29.00 - 3.00 Stuart Whigham 1957 1966 83.59 85.58
2008-11-30 R5 Northern League 15mm 2008 1 2107 93.90 3.00 - 29.00 David Thompson 2152 2135 89.41 92.24
2008-09-07 R4 Northern League 15mm 2008 2 2126 97.22 27.00 - 5.00 Martin Stephenson 2023 2087 194.53 229.82
2008-09-07 R4 Northern League 15mm 2008 1 2112 99.79 26.00 - 6.00 Chris Jolley 2025 2034 84.94 87.25
2008-08-14 Britcon 2008 6 2100 103.71 25.00 - 0.00 Geoff Pearson 1967 1981 83.27 85.34
2008-08-14 Britcon 2008 5 2078 107.96 2.00 - 23.00 Donal Coghlan 2189 2148 146.99 160.00
2008-08-14 Britcon 2008 4 2099 112.28 9.00 - 16.00 Stuart Whigham 1969 1950 98.28 101.20
2008-08-14 Britcon 2008 3 2124 116.81 18.00 - 7.00 Gordon Harrow 2048 2052 70.80 72.07
2008-08-14 Britcon 2008 2 2114 123.42 23.00 - 2.00 Bill Skinner 1911 1920 93.20 95.60
2008-08-14 Britcon 2008 1 2098 129.50 23.00 - 2.00 Greg Mann 1880 1902 142.91 151.93
2008-07-20 Stoke Challenge 2008 15mm 2 2080 135.88 18.00 - 7.00 Steven Bowns 1933 1945 201.80 233.07
2008-07-20 Stoke Challenge 2008 15mm 1 2074 142.48 2.00 - 23.00 Peter Haines 2164 2128 129.86 137.87
2008-06-08 R3 Northern League 15mm 2008 1 2118 153.73 0.00 - 32.00 David Thompson 2203 2167 117.02 122.54
2008-04-06 R2 Northern League 15mm 2008 2 2184 168.71 29.00 - 3.00 Gordon Harrow 2033 2044 87.93 89.96
2008-04-06 R2 Northern League 15mm 2008 1 2140 189.02 23.00 - 9.00 Stuart Whigham 1877 1869 142.20 147.84
2008-02-03 R1 Northern League 15mm 2008 2 2159 204.26 32.00 - 0.00 Gordon Harrow 2017 2036 92.03 94.09
2008-02-03 R1 Northern League 15mm 2008 1 2047 247.16 13.00 - 19.00 David Thompson 2193 2201 138.72 143.88
Starting 2000 300.00
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