Tim Kohler

Post Match Opponent(s) Rating Reliability
Date Competition Round Rating Reliability Score Name New Previous New Previous
2016-05-01 R2 Northern League 15mm 2016 2 1769 69.36 2.00 - 23.00 Chris Jolley 2029 2029 28.71 28.77
2016-05-01 R2 Northern League 15mm 2016 1 1772 70.19 12.00 - 13.00 Geoff Pearson 1946 1948 37.81 35.85
Brian Pierpoint 2105 2107 37.81 40.03
2016-03-20 R1 Northern League 15mm 2016 2 1763 71.03 9.00 - 16.00 Steve Mills 2017 2018 30.87 30.94
2016-03-20 R1 Northern League 15mm 2016 1 1758 71.91 2.00 - 23.00 Roger Greenwood 1978 1976 53.42 51.48
Alaistair Moore 2063 2061 53.42 56.09
2015-02-21 Burton Doubles 2015 4 1761 73.94 3.00 - 22.00 Tim Child 2002 1999 64.50 65.29
Greg Mann 2142 2139 64.50 65.29
2015-02-21 Burton Doubles 2015 3 1765 75.15 10.00 - 15.00 Mike Bennett 2175 2177 42.03 42.22
Colin Sharpe 2031 2033 42.03 42.22
2015-02-21 Burton Doubles 2015 2 1759 76.28 24.00 - 1.00 Phil Hosker 1992 2035 108.42 113.08
Nick Beechey 1867 1908 108.42 113.08
2015-02-21 Burton Doubles 2015 1 1740 77.77 20.00 - 5.00 Lawrence Greaves 2124 2136 57.69 56.51
Oren Taylor 2084 2096 57.69 59.69
2014-09-07 R4 Northern League 15mm 2014 2 1719 70.13 3.00 - 22.00 Keith Nathan 1960 1959 38.93 39.07
Thom Richardson 2008 2007 38.93 39.07
2014-09-07 R4 Northern League 15mm 2014 1 1721 70.99 0.00 - 27.00 John Fletcher 2067 2066 33.47 32.88
Steve Mills 2014 2013 33.47 34.20
2014-07-27 R3 Northern League 15mm 2014 2 1725 71.71 0.00 - 30.00 Roger Greenwood 2000 1997 57.54 57.96
Alaistair Moore 2063 2060 57.54 57.96
2014-07-27 R3 Northern League 15mm 2014 1 1730 72.54 0.00 - 30.00 Chris Jolley 2038 2037 29.89 29.95
2014-05-18 R2 Northern League 15mm 2014 2 1735 73.40 0.00 - 25.00 Roger Greenwood 2030 2027 60.74 61.22
Alaistair Moore 2067 2064 60.74 61.22
2014-05-18 R2 Northern League 15mm 2014 1 1740 74.27 0.00 - 25.00 Geoff Pearson 1964 1962 39.23 39.41
2014-03-16 R1 Northern League 15mm 2014 2 1748 75.52 0.00 - 25.00 Roger Greenwood 2049 2045 64.05 64.62
Alaistair Moore 2075 2071 64.05 64.62
2014-03-16 R1 Northern League 15mm 2014 1 1753 76.46 25.00 - 5.00 John Saunders 1880 1896 76.52 78.17
Roy Loach 1804 1820 76.52 78.17
2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 4 1737 86.47 6.00 - 19.00 Stuart Whigham 1866 1863 46.96 47.36
2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 3 1746 89.21 3.00 - 22.00 Keith Nathan 1964 1961 51.78 52.25
Roger Greenwood 2036 2033 51.78 52.25
2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 2 1754 91.78 14.00 - 11.00 Peter Kershaw 1976 1978 38.52 38.71
2014-02-22 Burton Doubles 2014 1 1743 94.66 3.00 - 22.00 Mike Bennett 2169 2168 46.82 39.79
Colin Sharpe 2033 2032 46.82 54.35
2013-11-10 R5 Northern League 15mm 2013 2 1747 69.75 0.00 - 25.00 Chris Jolley 2028 2027 31.30 31.37
2013-11-10 R5 Northern League 15mm 2013 1 1752 70.58 0.00 - 25.00 Keith Nathan 1968 1966 34.79 34.26
Thom Richardson 2006 2004 34.79 35.56
2013-09-08 R4 Northern League 15mm 2013 2 1758 70.53 12.00 - 13.00 Roy Loach 1793 1798 153.70 170.11
2013-09-08 R4 Northern League 15mm 2013 1 1757 71.67 3.00 - 22.00 Thom Richardson 2001 2000 35.73 35.85
2013-05-19 R2 Northern League 15mm 2013 2 1759 72.66 17.00 - 13.00 Geoff Pearson 1942 1945 43.56 43.81
2013-05-19 R2 Northern League 15mm 2013 1 1750 73.88 0.00 - 25.00 Keith Nathan 1966 1964 36.78 35.89
Thom Richardson 2003 2001 36.78 37.94
2013-02-24 R1 Northern League 15mm 2013 2 1757 75.05 6.00 - 19.00 Andy Parkin 1954 1950 124.03 130.69
Sagar Kumaraswamy 1906 1902 124.03 130.69
2013-02-24 R1 Northern League 15mm 2013 1 1759 76.34 2.00 - 23.00 Chris Jolley 2023 2022 32.93 33.02
2012-11-04 R5 Northern League 15mm 2012 2 1763 77.49 3.00 - 22.00 Keith Nathan 1971 1970 37.94 38.09
Thom Richardson 2001 2000 37.94 38.09
2012-11-04 R5 Northern League 15mm 2012 1 1767 78.88 12.00 - 13.00 John Saunders 1784 1784 47.15 47.56
2012-09-02 R4 Northern League 15mm 2012 2 1767 80.94 3.00 - 22.00 Thom Richardson 2002 2001 38.27 38.42
2012-09-02 R4 Northern League 15mm 2012 1 1771 82.46 6.00 - 19.00 Keith Nathan 1968 1968 38.56 38.73
2012-07-22 R3 Northern League 15mm 2012 2 1772 84.25 2.00 - 23.00 Geoff Pearson 1931 1927 47.56 47.97
John Saunders 1784 1780 47.56 47.97
2012-07-22 R3 Northern League 15mm 2012 1 1786 86.71 3.00 - 22.00 Peter Kershaw 1951 1949 45.32 45.63
2012-05-20 R2 Northern League 15mm 2012 2 1794 89.03 3.00 - 22.00 David Thompson 2180 2180 42.15 42.26
2012-05-20 R2 Northern League 15mm 2012 1 1793 90.11 10.00 - 15.00 Chris Jolley 2031 2032 36.48 36.60
2012-03-11 R1 Northern League 15mm 2012 2 1784 92.10 2.00 - 28.00 Andy Parkin 2032 1999 168.66 185.52
Sagar Kumaraswamy 1984 1951 168.66 185.52
2012-03-11 R1 Northern League 15mm 2012 1 1794 94.18 9.00 - 16.00 Geoff Pearson 1921 1922 45.11 45.01
Brian Pierpoint 2100 2101 45.11 45.72
2011-11-06 R5 Northern League 15mm 2011 2 1787 96.64 0.00 - 25.00 Chris Jolley 2035 2033 38.08 38.23
2011-11-06 R5 Northern League 15mm 2011 1 1798 99.22 10.00 - 15.00 Geoff Pearson 1906 1908 47.20 46.55
Brian Pierpoint 2106 2108 47.20 48.43
2011-09-18 R4 Northern League 15mm 2011 2 1788 102.14 2.00 - 25.00 Steve Mills 2021 2017 69.86 70.80
2011-09-18 R4 Northern League 15mm 2011 1 1797 105.28 0.00 - 27.00 Chris Jolley 2028 2026 39.53 39.70
2011-06-19 R3 Northern League 15mm 2011 2 1812 104.15 12.00 - 13.00 Stuart Whigham 1919 1921 55.19 55.76
2011-06-19 R3 Northern League 15mm 2011 1 1803 108.47 0.00 - 25.00 John Saunders 1768 1756 60.93 61.73
2011-03-27 R2 Northern League 15mm 2011 2 1844 113.60 0.00 - 25.00 David Thompson 2207 2205 48.76 48.95
2011-03-27 R2 Northern League 15mm 2011 1 1852 116.06 0.00 - 25.00 Bill Skinner 2023 2015 67.99 68.98
2011-02-19 Burton Doubles 2011 4 1875 136.18 11.00 - 14.00 Tim Child 2054 2053 75.63 77.14
John Hickman 1927 1926 75.63 77.14
2011-02-19 Burton Doubles 2011 3 1878 147.22 11.00 - 14.00 Mike Pickering 2009 2010 39.92 40.12
Jim Gibson 2097 2098 39.92 40.12
2011-02-19 Burton Doubles 2011 2 1869 160.98 25.00 - 0.00 Steve Bainbridge 2037 2056 72.31 73.39
Ian Sims 1922 1939 72.31 73.39
2011-02-19 Burton Doubles 2011 1 1773 177.22 2.00 - 23.00 Keith Nathan 1989 1984 56.69 54.48
Thom Richardson 1989 1984 56.69 59.95
2011-02-06 R1 Northern League 15mm 2011 2 1827 107.14 7.00 - 18.00 Steve Mills 1943 1940 76.15 77.73
2011-02-06 R1 Northern League 15mm 2011 1 1833 111.95 0.00 - 25.00 Geoff Pearson 1909 1903 48.37 48.78
2010-06-20 R3 Northern League 15mm 2010 2 1866 118.07 0.00 - 25.00 David Thompson 2216 2214 54.62 54.92
2010-06-20 R3 Northern League 15mm 2010 1 1877 121.37 25.00 - 0.00 John Saunders 1763 1774 72.55 73.87
2010-02-07 R1 Northern League 15mm 2010 2 1846 120.95 10.00 - 15.00 Stuart Whigham 1911 1911 71.04 72.31
2010-02-07 R1 Northern League 15mm 2010 1 1847 128.32 0.00 - 25.00 Keith Nathan 2008 1994 87.28 89.44
Thom Richardson 2023 2009 87.28 89.44
2009-12-06 R5 Northern League 15mm 2009 2 1877 136.20 13.00 - 22.00 Chris Jolley 2056 2058 54.14 54.57
2009-12-06 R5 Northern League 15mm 2009 1 1864 144.52 23.00 - 9.00 Martin Stephenson 1992 2030 124.64 129.71
2009-06-14 R3 Northern League 15mm 2009 2 1811 152.95 0.00 - 32.00 Peter Haines 2177 2173 74.50 75.18
2009-06-14 R3 Northern League 15mm 2009 1 1827 159.52 0.00 - 35.00 Chris Jolley 2043 2036 68.19 69.05
2009-04-19 R2 Northern League 15mm 2009 2 1867 174.23 0.00 - 32.00 John Davies 2125 2084 165.93 178.98
2009-04-19 R2 Northern League 15mm 2009 1 1912 189.97 24.00 - 8.00 Martin Stephenson 1951 2023 179.34 194.53
2009-02-01 R1 Northern League 15mm 2009 2 1829 209.04 0.00 - 32.00 David Thompson 2179 2173 84.35 85.38
2009-02-01 R1 Northern League 15mm 2009 1 1866 230.21 3.00 - 29.00 Geoff Pearson 1977 1967 75.42 76.37
Starting 2000 300.00
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