Juergen Bohn

Post Match Opponent(s) Rating Reliability
Date Competition Round Rating Reliability Score Name New Previous New Previous
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 4 2004 97.49 14.00 - 11.00 Luciano Marchisio 2143 2148 59.70 60.38
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 3 1990 100.69 1.00 - 24.00 David Pallin 2080 2076 42.13 42.40
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 2 2011 104.96 25.00 - 0.00 Marco Cioffi 1962 2014 132.35 141.77
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 1 1980 109.15 15.00 - 10.00 Emilio Antichi 1969 1978 123.04 130.48
2011-01-28 Swabian Open 2011 4 1973 114.06 2.00 - 23.00 Arnim Lueck 2136 2088 174.61 196.09
2011-01-28 Swabian Open 2011 3 1992 118.50 12.00 - 13.00 Gael Richard 2075 2078 77.41 79.02
2011-01-28 Swabian Open 2011 2 1984 125.07 12.00 - 13.00 Carlos Duecker-Benfer 2032 2049 211.76 254.36
2011-01-28 Swabian Open 2011 1 1980 130.16 22.00 - 3.00 Lawrence Greaves 2041 2051 60.54 61.25
2008-04-12 Milan I 2008 4 1928 138.76 10.00 - 15.00 Davide Mura 2007 2007 174.85 195.41
2008-04-12 Milan I 2008 3 1928 147.17 25.00 - 0.00 Simone Bettinelli 1805 1905 189.30 216.60
2008-04-12 Milan I 2008 2 1873 156.99 6.00 - 19.00 Paolo Paglianti 2032 2005 216.25 254.36
2008-04-12 Milan I 2008 1 1888 166.93 11.00 - 14.00 Andrea Picarelli 1975 N/A 243.44 N/A
2008-02-09 Bad Urach 2008 4 1881 177.34 3.00 - 22.00 Marc Lang 1996 1937 176.98 196.24
2008-02-09 Bad Urach 2008 3 1940 196.77 25.00 - 0.00 Juergen Beissel 1712 1786 196.77 221.03
2008-02-09 Bad Urach 2008 2 1866 221.03 0.00 - 25.00 Dennis Peroni 2091 1984 221.03 254.36
2008-02-09 Bad Urach 2008 1 1973 254.36 10.00 - 15.00 Stefano Grombi 2027 N/A 254.36 N/A
Starting 2000 300.00
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