
Warfare 2010 Persian Period


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Ian Austin Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid 1 76.00 100.00 2,161
Steve Bainbridge Alexandrian Macedonian 2 73.00 95.05 2,076
Steve Rathgay Lykian 3 70.00 90.10 1,949
Keith Nathan Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian 4 67.00 85.15 1,963
David Pallin Alexandrian Macedonian 5 66.00 80.20 2,065
Lawrence Greaves Kyrenean Greek 6 57.00 75.25 2,045
Peter Kershaw Later Achaemenid Persian 7 56.00 70.30 1,918
Ian Sims Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian 7 56.00 70.30 1,907
Rob Brennan Later Achaemenid Persian 9 55.00 60.40 2,098
Mike Pickering Makkan, Dilmun, Saba, Ma'in and Qataban 10 52.00 55.45 2,009
Graham Lock Cypriot and Phoenician 11 51.00 50.50 2,025
Adrian Clarke Classical Indian 11 51.00 50.50 2,000
John Hickman Alexandrian Macedonian 13 49.00 40.60 1,806
Mike Bowles Lydian 14 48.00 35.65 1,886
Andy Gilbert Later Hoplite Greek 15 44.00 30.70 1,811
Chris Jolley Later Achaemenid Persian 16 43.00 25.75 2,031
Greg Mann Later Hoplite Greek 17 39.00 20.80 2,035
Ray Briggs Later Achaemenid Persian 18 34.00 15.85 1,984
Alex Moran Neo-Assyrian Empire 18 34.00 15.85 2,012
Steve Mills Later Hoplite Greek 20 31.00 5.95 2,029
Tim Madeley Lydian 21 24.00 1.00 1,907
Richard Aynsley Classical Indian 21 24.00 1.00 2,136


Tim Child


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 43853

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