Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid

Date Competition Round Player(s) Score Opponent(s) Opposing Army
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 1 Chris Jolley

20.00 - 5.00 Tom Worden

2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 2 Chris Jolley

16.00 - 9.00 Jan van Embden

Sui Chinese and Early T'ang Chinese
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 3 Chris Jolley

0.00 - 25.00 Mike Bennett

Nikephorian Byzantine
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 4 Chris Jolley

0.00 - 25.00 Ian Austin

New Kingdom Egyptian
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 5 Chris Jolley

16.00 - 9.00 David Houston

Marian Roman
2009-08-14 Britcon 2009 6 Chris Jolley

10.00 - 15.00 Mike Pickering

Later Pre Islamic Arab
2009-11-21 Warfare 2009 25mm 1 Tony Dennis

12.00 - 13.00 Jim Gibson

2009-11-21 Warfare 2009 25mm 2 Tony Dennis

2.00 - 23.00 Phil Hosker

Late Imperial Roman
2009-11-21 Warfare 2009 25mm 3 Tony Dennis

11.00 - 14.00 Mike Newnham

Classical Indian
2009-11-21 Warfare 2009 25mm 4 Tony Dennis

13.00 - 12.00 Ron Chamberlain

Middle Imperial Roman
2010-03-20 Bassano 2010 1 Stefano Luciani

0.00 - 25.00 Lorenzo Mele

Later Carthaginian
2010-03-20 Bassano 2010 2 Stefano Luciani

6.00 - 19.00 Marco Mondin

Early Carthaginian
2010-03-20 Bassano 2010 3 Stefano Luciani

2.00 - 23.00 Stefano Grombi

Early Imperial Roman
2010-03-20 Bassano 2010 4 Stefano Luciani

11.00 - 14.00 Simone Bettinelli

Later Hoplite Greek
2010-05-08 Campaign 2010 1 Tony Dennis

10.00 - 15.00 Jim Gibson

Norse Viking and Leidang
2010-05-08 Campaign 2010 2 Tony Dennis

15.00 - 10.00 David Mather

Hittite Empire
2010-05-08 Campaign 2010 3 Tony Dennis

0.00 - 25.00 Simon Brown

Norse Viking and Leidang
2010-05-08 Campaign 2010 4 Tony Dennis

13.00 - 12.00 Jonathan Crowe

Scots Isles and Highlands
2010-05-08 Campaign 2010 5 Tony Dennis

11.00 - 14.00 Mark Carmichael

Middle Imperial Roman
2010-11-20 Warfare 2010 Persian Period 1 Ian Austin

22.00 - 3.00 Steve Mills

Later Hoplite Greek
2010-11-20 Warfare 2010 Persian Period 2 Ian Austin

12.00 - 13.00 David Pallin

Alexandrian Macedonian
2010-11-20 Warfare 2010 Persian Period 3 Ian Austin

17.00 - 8.00 Mike Pickering

Makkan, Dilmun, Saba, Ma'in and Qataban
2010-11-20 Warfare 2010 Persian Period 4 Ian Austin

25.00 - 0.00 John Hickman

Alexandrian Macedonian
2010-11-28 R5 Northern League 15mm 2010 1 Keith Nathan

15.00 - 10.00 John Fletcher

Late Imperial Roman
2010-11-28 R5 Northern League 15mm 2010 2 Keith Nathan

16.00 - 9.00 Geoff Pearson

Later Swiss
2011-01-15 MK One-Dayer 2011 1 Dave Pothecary

11.00 - 14.00 Simon Brown

Makkan, Dilmun, Saba, Ma'in and Qataban
2011-01-15 MK One-Dayer 2011 1 David Pallin

22.00 - 3.00 Craig Hulkes

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2011-01-15 MK One-Dayer 2011 2 David Pallin

11.00 - 14.00 Peter Haines

Hittite Empire
2011-01-15 MK One-Dayer 2011 2 Dave Pothecary

3.00 - 22.00 John Godsall

2011-07-09 Campaign 2011 1 Tony Dennis

12.00 - 13.00 Ian Sims

2011-07-09 Campaign 2011 2 Tony Dennis

15.00 - 10.00 Craig Hulkes

Sassanid Persian
2011-07-09 Campaign 2011 3 Tony Dennis

15.00 - 10.00 John Saunders

Norse Viking and Leidang
2011-07-09 Campaign 2011 4 Tony Dennis

0.00 - 25.00 Craig Hulkes

Sassanid Persian
2011-07-09 Campaign 2011 5 Tony Dennis

10.00 - 15.00 Ian Sims

2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 1 David Pallin

25.00 - 0.00 Keith Nathan

2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 2 David Pallin

13.00 - 12.00 Jan van Embden

2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 3 David Pallin

13.00 - 12.00 Mike Pickering

Italian Condotta
2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 4 David Pallin

4.00 - 21.00 Richard Aynsley

Early Vietnamese
2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 5 David Pallin

23.00 - 2.00 Ray Briggs

Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian
2011-08-12 Britcon 2011 6 David Pallin

24.00 - 1.00 David Houston

Early German
2011-10-01 Bassano 2011 1 Luciano Marchisio

25.00 - 0.00 Fabio Terpin

Hittite Empire
2011-10-01 Bassano 2011 1 Alessandro Miguez

11.00 - 14.00 Alberto Marini

Early Libyan
2011-10-01 Bassano 2011 1 Paolo Vigano

15.00 - 10.00 L Mondin

Syro-Canaanite and Ugaritic
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 1 Paolo Vigano

4.00 - 21.00 Jan van Embden

Early Carthaginian
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 2 Paolo Vigano

13.00 - 12.00 Riccardo Marchesi

New Kingdom Egyptian
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 3 Paolo Vigano

13.00 - 12.00 Fabio Terpin

Hittite Empire
2012-03-10 Italian DBMM Team Championship 2012 4 Paolo Vigano

14.00 - 11.00 Simone Bettinelli

Early Hoplite Greek
2012-08-11 Britcon 2012 (Worlds) 1 Greg Mann

8.00 - 17.00 David Houston

2012-08-11 Britcon 2012 (Worlds) 2 Greg Mann

7.00 - 18.00 David Pallin

Wars of the Roses and Tudor English
2012-08-11 Britcon 2012 (Worlds) 3 Greg Mann

25.00 - 0.00 Chris Jolley

Late Imperial Roman
2012-08-11 Britcon 2012 (Worlds) 4 Greg Mann

22.00 - 3.00 Ian Mackay

Seljuq Turk
2012-08-11 Britcon 2012 (Worlds) 5 Greg Mann

12.00 - 13.00 Steve Bainbridge

2012-08-11 Britcon 2012 (Worlds) 6 Greg Mann

14.00 - 11.00 William Coughlan

Early Achaemenid Persian
2012-09-15 Central London 2012 1 Greg Mann

6.00 - 19.00 Steve Bainbridge

Early Carthaginian
2012-09-15 Central London 2012 2 Greg Mann

25.00 - 0.00 Mike Rowland

2012-09-15 Central London 2012 3 Greg Mann

16.00 - 9.00 Ian Austin

Hittite Empire
2012-09-15 Central London 2012 4 Greg Mann

22.00 - 3.00 Brian Holmes

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2012-09-30 RINIWA League Munster 2012 1 Tim Madeley

14.00 - 11.00 William Coughlan

Early Achaemenid Persian
2012-09-30 RINIWA League Ulster 2012 1 Mark Gibson

0.00 - 25.00 Richard Murphy

Syro-Canaanite and Ugaritic
2012-09-30 RINIWA League Munster 2012 2 Tim Madeley

14.00 - 11.00 Derek Barry

Villanovan Italian
2012-09-30 RINIWA League Ulster 2012 2 Mark Gibson

0.00 - 25.00 David Houston

2012-09-30 RINIWA League Munster 2012 3 Tim Madeley

6.00 - 19.00 Tom Worden

Early Northern Barbarians
2012-09-30 RINIWA League Ulster 2012 3 Mark Gibson

0.00 - 25.00 Seamus McKenna

Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu
2012-09-30 RINIWA League Munster 2012 4 Tim Madeley

25.00 - 0.00 Tommy Worden

Italian Hill Tribes
2012-09-30 RINIWA League Munster 2012 5 Tim Madeley

11.00 - 14.00 Tony Bergin

2013-07-20 Danish DBMM International Challenge 2013 1 Greg Mann

25.00 - 0.00 Enrico Magiaro

Kushite Egyptian
2013-07-20 Danish DBMM International Challenge 2013 2 Greg Mann

21.00 - 4.00 David Houston

2013-07-20 Danish DBMM International Challenge 2013 3 Greg Mann

21.00 - 4.00 Thomas Arnfelt

Early Libyan
2013-07-20 Danish DBMM International Challenge 2013 4 Greg Mann

22.00 - 3.00 Jonathan Martin

Sea Peoples
2013-09-08 R4 Northern League 15mm 2013 1 Bill Skinner

10.00 - 15.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Later Polish
2013-09-08 R4 Northern League 15mm 2013 2 Bill Skinner

4.00 - 23.00 Geoff Pearson

2013-10-12 BHGS Oxford Doubles 2013 1 Steve Rathgay

Keith Nathan

11.00 - 14.00 Ray Briggs

Steve Coope

Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian
2013-10-12 BHGS Oxford Doubles 2013 1 Ray Briggs

Steve Coope

14.00 - 11.00 Steve Rathgay

Keith Nathan

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2013-10-12 BHGS Oxford Doubles 2013 2 Steve Rathgay

Keith Nathan

23.00 - 2.00 Tim Child

John Hickman

Later Mycenean and Trojan War
2013-10-12 BHGS Oxford Doubles 2013 2 Tim Child

John Hickman

2.00 - 23.00 Steve Rathgay

Keith Nathan

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2013-10-12 BHGS Oxford Doubles 2013 3 Steve Rathgay

Keith Nathan

13.00 - 12.00 Steve Bainbridge

Ian Sims

Neo-Assyrian Empire
2013-10-12 BHGS Oxford Doubles 2013 3 Steve Bainbridge

Ian Sims

12.00 - 13.00 Steve Rathgay

Keith Nathan

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2013-10-12 BHGS Oxford Doubles 2013 4 Steve Rathgay

Keith Nathan

3.00 - 22.00 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2013-10-12 BHGS Oxford Doubles 2013 4 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

22.00 - 3.00 Steve Rathgay

Keith Nathan

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2013-11-02 Guildford 2013 1 Greg Mann

23.00 - 2.00 Andy Gilbert

2013-11-02 Guildford 2013 2 Greg Mann

3.00 - 22.00 John Hickman

Early Achaemenid Persian
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 1 Greg Mann

25.00 - 0.00 Craig Barr

Early Achaemenid Persian
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 1 Keith Nathan

3.00 - 22.00 David Mather

Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 2 Greg Mann

25.00 - 0.00 David Mather

Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 2 Keith Nathan

19.00 - 6.00 Adrian Coombs-Hoar

Hittite Empire
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 3 Greg Mann

16.00 - 9.00 Peter Haines

Kushite Egyptian
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 3 Keith Nathan

25.00 - 0.00 Stephen Jones

New Kingdom Egyptian
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 4 Greg Mann

25.00 - 0.00 Jim Gibson

Early Carthaginian
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 4 Keith Nathan

4.00 - 21.00 Adrian Clarke

Early Vietnamese
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 5 Greg Mann

22.00 - 3.00 Adrian Clarke

Early Vietnamese
2014-04-05 Challenge 2014 5 Keith Nathan

7.00 - 18.00 John Fletcher

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2014-09-07 R4 Northern League 15mm 2014 1 Andy Parkin

Sagar Kumaraswamy

14.00 - 11.00 Geoff Pearson

Later Swiss
2014-09-07 R4 Northern League 15mm 2014 1 Geoff Pearson

11.00 - 14.00 Andy Parkin

Sagar Kumaraswamy

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2014-09-07 R4 Northern League 15mm 2014 2 Andy Parkin

Sagar Kumaraswamy

2.00 - 25.00 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

Patrician Roman
2014-09-07 R4 Northern League 15mm 2014 2 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

25.00 - 2.00 Andy Parkin

Sagar Kumaraswamy

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 15mm Sea of Grass 1 Greg Mann

21.00 - 4.00 Mike Bowles

Han Chinese
2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 15mm Sea of Grass 1 David Pallin

14.00 - 11.00 Steve Mills

Later Hoplite Greek
2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 15mm Sea of Grass 2 Greg Mann

9.00 - 16.00 David Mather

Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu
2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 15mm Sea of Grass 2 David Pallin

13.00 - 12.00 Ian Austin

2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 15mm Sea of Grass 3 Greg Mann

25.00 - 0.00 Ben Faithful

Warring States and Ch'in Chinese
2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 15mm Sea of Grass 3 David Pallin

11.00 - 14.00 Craig Barr

Early Achaemenid Persian
2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 15mm Sea of Grass 4 Greg Mann

12.00 - 13.00 Mike Bennett

Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu
2014-11-15 Warfare 2014 15mm Sea of Grass 4 David Pallin

25.00 - 0.00 Brian Holmes

Classical Indian
2016-07-16 Central London 2016 1 Ian Austin

25.00 - 0.00 Mike Pickering

Later Mycenean and Trojan War
2016-07-16 Central London 2016 2 Ian Austin

21.00 - 4.00 Adrian Coombs-Hoar

Hittite Empire
2016-07-16 Central London 2016 3 Ian Austin

12.00 - 13.00 David Houston

2016-07-16 Central London 2016 4 Ian Austin

25.00 - 0.00 Simon Brown

Saitic Egyptian
2016-11-06 R5 Northern League 15mm 2016 1 Alaistair Moore

15.00 - 10.00 Geoff Pearson

Brian Pierpoint

Later Visigothic
2016-11-06 R5 Northern League 15mm 2016 2 Alaistair Moore

27.00 - 0.00 Sagar Kumaraswamy

African Vandal
2017-03-19 R1 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2017 1 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

24.00 - 3.00 Sagar Kumaraswamy

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2017-03-19 R1 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2017 1 Sagar Kumaraswamy

3.00 - 24.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2017-03-19 R1 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2017 1 Sagar Kumaraswamy

3.00 - 24.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2017-03-19 R1 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2017 2 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

13.00 - 12.00 Geoff Pearson

2017-03-19 R1 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2017 2 Geoff Pearson

12.00 - 13.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2017-03-19 R1 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2017 2 Sagar Kumaraswamy

25.00 - 0.00 Tim Kohler

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2017-04-09 Roll Call 15mm 2017 1 Ian Austin

11.00 - 14.00 Peter Haines

Kushite Egyptian
2017-04-09 Roll Call 15mm 2017 2 Ian Austin

22.00 - 3.00 Phil Hosker

Early Hoplite Greek
2017-04-09 Roll Call 15mm 2017 3 Ian Austin

22.00 - 3.00 Greg Mann

New Kingdom Egyptian
2017-04-09 Roll Call 15mm 2017 4 Ian Austin

21.00 - 4.00 Dave Giles

Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian
2017-08-13 Britcon 2017 1 Ian Austin

11.00 - 14.00 Roger Greenwood

Later Polish
2017-08-13 Britcon 2017 2 Ian Austin

25.00 - 0.00 Michael Hession

Late Judean
2017-08-13 Britcon 2017 3 Ian Austin

19.00 - 6.00 Keith Nathan

Medieval Spanish or Portuguese
2017-08-13 Britcon 2017 4 Ian Austin

23.00 - 2.00 Thomas Kimmerle

Teutonic Orders
2017-08-13 Britcon 2017 5 Ian Austin

13.00 - 12.00 David Houston

Sassanid Persian
2017-08-13 Britcon 2017 6 Ian Austin

25.00 - 0.00 Jan van Embden

Early Imperial Roman
2017-09-24 Derby Worlds 2017 1 Peter Haines

25.00 - 0.00 Steve Bainbridge

Neo-Assyrian Empire
2017-09-24 Derby Worlds 2017 1 Ian Austin

22.00 - 3.00 Mike Pickering

Mannaian and Other Taurus and Zagros Highland States
2017-09-24 Derby Worlds 2017 2 Peter Haines

0.00 - 25.00 Mike Pickering

Mannaian and Other Taurus and Zagros Highland States
2017-09-24 Derby Worlds 2017 2 Ian Austin

21.00 - 4.00 Steve Mills

New Kingdom Egyptian
2017-09-24 Derby Worlds 2017 3 Ian Austin

12.00 - 13.00 Steve Bainbridge

Neo-Assyrian Empire
2017-09-24 Derby Worlds 2017 3 Peter Haines

25.00 - 0.00 Gordon Harrow

Neo Hittite and Later Aramean
2017-09-24 Derby Worlds 2017 4 Peter Haines

23.00 - 2.00 Ian Austin

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2017-09-24 Derby Worlds 2017 4 Ian Austin

2.00 - 23.00 Peter Haines

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2018-03-11 ITC 2018 1 Paolo Vigano

15.00 - 10.00 Simone Fantini

Early Achaemenid Persian
2018-03-11 ITC 2018 1 Ian Austin

15.00 - 10.00 Sam Kwan

Later Mycenean and Trojan War
2018-03-11 ITC 2018 2 Paolo Vigano

13.00 - 12.00 Marco Mondin

2018-03-11 ITC 2018 2 Ian Austin

6.00 - 19.00 Stefano Rosin

2018-03-11 ITC 2018 3 Paolo Vigano

13.00 - 12.00 Marco Boniardi

Hittite Empire
2018-03-11 ITC 2018 3 Ian Austin

11.00 - 14.00 Tony Bergin

New Kingdom Egyptian
2018-03-11 ITC 2018 4 Paolo Vigano

12.00 - 13.00 Richard Darby

Later Hebrew
2018-03-11 ITC 2018 4 Ian Austin

25.00 - 0.00 Salvatore Franco

Early Libyan
2018-03-18 R1 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2018 1 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

20.00 - 5.00 Andy Parkin

Han Chinese
2018-03-18 R1 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2018 1 Andy Parkin

5.00 - 20.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2018-03-18 R1 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2018 2 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

25.00 - 0.00 Chris North

Later Carthaginian
2018-03-18 R1 Northern Doubles League 15mm 2018 2 Chris North

0.00 - 25.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2019-01-12 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2019 1 John Severs

0.00 - 25.00 Mike Bowles

Makkan, Dilmun, Saba, Ma'in and Qataban
2019-01-12 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2019 1 Nick Beechey

12.00 - 13.00 Tim Child

Later Mycenean and Trojan War
2019-01-12 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2019 1 Andy Wilcox

15.00 - 10.00 Dudley Holiday

Early Hoplite Greek
2019-01-12 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2019 2 Andy Wilcox

11.00 - 14.00 Tim Child

Later Mycenean and Trojan War
2019-01-12 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2019 2 John Severs

0.00 - 25.00 Thom Richardson

New Kingdom Egyptian
2019-01-12 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2019 2 Nick Beechey

0.00 - 25.00 John Fletcher

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2019-03-24 R1 Northern Double League 15mm 2019 1 Sagar Kumaraswamy

9.00 - 16.00 Geoff Pearson

2019-03-24 R1 Northern Double League 15mm 2019 2 Sagar Kumaraswamy

19.00 - 6.00 Ben Osborne

Tamil Indian and Sinhalese
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 1 David Mather

David Pallin

15.00 - 10.00 Phil Hosker

Dudley Holiday

Early Hoplite Greek
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 1 Phil Hosker

Dudley Holiday

10.00 - 15.00 David Mather

David Pallin

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 1 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

13.00 - 12.00 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 1 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

12.00 - 13.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 2 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

0.00 - 25.00 Lawrence Greaves

Tim Child

Kyrenean Greek
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 2 Lawrence Greaves

Tim Child

25.00 - 0.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 2 David Mather

David Pallin

13.00 - 12.00 Steve Bainbridge

Ian Sims

New Kingdom Egyptian
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 2 Steve Bainbridge

Ian Sims

12.00 - 13.00 David Mather

David Pallin

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 3 David Mather

David Pallin

12.00 - 13.00 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 3 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

13.00 - 12.00 David Mather

David Pallin

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 3 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

14.00 - 11.00 Alex Grange

Nick Day

Early Carthaginian
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 3 Alex Grange

Nick Day

11.00 - 14.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 4 David Mather

David Pallin

10.00 - 15.00 Ray Briggs

Bob Kendall

Hittite Empire
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 4 Ray Briggs

Bob Kendall

15.00 - 10.00 David Mather

David Pallin

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 4 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

23.00 - 2.00 Mike Pickering

John Bint

2019-10-20 Milton Keynes Doubles 2019 4 Mike Pickering

John Bint

2.00 - 23.00 Mike Newnham

Mark Carmichael

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2021-09-19 Northern League 15mm round 2 1 Thom Richardson

Andy Parkin

19.00 - 6.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2021-09-19 Northern League 15mm round 2 1 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

6.00 - 19.00 Thom Richardson

Andy Parkin

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2021-09-19 Northern League 15mm round 2 1 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

6.00 - 19.00 Thom Richardson

Andy Parkin

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2021-09-19 Northern League 15mm round 2 1 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

6.00 - 19.00 Thom Richardson

Andy Parkin

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2021-09-19 Northern League 15mm round 2 2 Thom Richardson

Andy Parkin

9.00 - 16.00 Chris Jolley

Alexandrian Imperial
2021-09-19 Northern League 15mm round 2 2 Chris Jolley

16.00 - 9.00 Thom Richardson

Andy Parkin

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2021-09-19 Northern League 15mm round 2 2 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

23.00 - 2.00 Tim Kohler

Warring States and Ch'in Chinese
2021-09-19 Northern League 15mm round 2 2 Tim Kohler

2.00 - 23.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2021-10-17 Brian Boru 2021 1 Mark Gibson

25.00 - 0.00 Dan Clancy

Alexandrian Imperial
2021-10-17 Brian Boru 2021 2 Mark Gibson

8.00 - 17.00 Richard Aynsley

Minoan and Early Mycenaean
2021-10-17 Brian Boru 2021 3 Mark Gibson

12.00 - 13.00 Juergen Bohn

Warring States and Ch'in Chinese
2021-10-17 Brian Boru 2021 4 Mark Gibson

15.00 - 10.00 William Coughlan

Marian Roman
2022-04-03 Roll Call 6mm 2022 1 Neil Sutherland

11.00 - 14.00 Steve Rathgay

Zagros and Anatolian Highlanders
2022-04-03 Roll Call 6mm 2022 2 Neil Sutherland

25.00 - 0.00 Tim Child

Attalid Pergamene
2022-04-03 Roll Call 6mm 2022 3 Neil Sutherland

11.00 - 14.00 Paul Mace

Warring States and Ch'in Chinese
2022-04-03 Roll Call 6mm 2022 4 Neil Sutherland

25.00 - 0.00 - BYE -

2022-08-14 Britcon 15mm 2022 1 Ian Austin

13.00 - 12.00 Chris Doran

Wars of the Roses and Tudor English
2022-08-14 Britcon 15mm 2022 2 Ian Austin

13.00 - 12.00 Juergen Bohn

Later Hungarian
2022-08-14 Britcon 15mm 2022 3 Ian Austin

14.00 - 11.00 Graham Evans

Burgundian Ordonnance
2022-08-14 Britcon 15mm 2022 4 Ian Austin

14.00 - 11.00 Steve Mills

Wars of the Roses and Tudor English
2022-08-14 Britcon 15mm 2022 5 Ian Austin

10.00 - 15.00 Lawrence Greaves

2022-09-25 Northern League 15mm round 4 1 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

25.00 - 0.00 Tim Kohler

Hittite Empire
2022-09-25 Northern League 15mm round 4 1 Tim Kohler

0.00 - 25.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2022-09-25 Northern League 15mm round 4 2 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

0.00 - 27.00 John Fletcher

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2022-09-25 Northern League 15mm round 4 2 John Fletcher

27.00 - 0.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2023-05-07 Northern League 15mm round 2 1 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

21.00 - 4.00 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

Han Chinese
2023-05-07 Northern League 15mm round 2 1 John Fletcher

Steve Mills

4.00 - 21.00 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2023-05-07 Northern League 15mm round 2 2 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

4.00 - 23.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

Later Carthaginian
2023-05-07 Northern League 15mm round 2 2 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

23.00 - 4.00 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2023-10-15 LGT Teams 15mm 2023 1 Greg Mann

25.00 - 0.00 Marc Priest

2023-10-15 LGT Teams 15mm 2023 2 Greg Mann

13.00 - 12.00 Richard Darby

Later Mycenean and Trojan War
2023-10-15 LGT Teams 15mm 2023 3 Greg Mann

11.00 - 14.00 David Pallin

Later Mycenean and Trojan War
2023-10-15 LGT Teams 15mm 2023 4 Greg Mann

0.00 - 25.00 Thom Richardson

Later Muslim Indian
2024-01-13 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2024 1 Thom Richardson

24.00 - 1.00 Dik Sweeting

Etruscan League
2024-01-13 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2024 1 Dudley Holiday

23.00 - 2.00 Ben Osborne

Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian
2024-01-13 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2024 2 Thom Richardson

11.00 - 14.00 John Fletcher

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2024-01-13 Milton Keynes One Dayer 2024 2 Dudley Holiday

22.00 - 3.00 Luca Blasi

2024-05-26 Campaign 2024 1 Dudley Holiday

14.00 - 11.00 Mike Newnham

Alexandrian Imperial
2024-05-26 Campaign 2024 2 Dudley Holiday

11.00 - 14.00 Steve Rathgay

Vedic Indian
2024-05-26 Campaign 2024 3 Dudley Holiday

3.00 - 22.00 Warren Thompson

Late Imperial Roman
2024-05-26 Campaign 2024 4 Dudley Holiday

2.00 - 23.00 Ian Sims

Mountain Indian
2024-05-26 Campaign 2024 5 Dudley Holiday

10.00 - 15.00 John Fletcher

2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 1 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

1.00 - 24.00 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 1 Roger Greenwood

Alaistair Moore

24.00 - 1.00 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 1 David Pallin

Greg Mann

11.00 - 14.00 David Mather

Mike Pickering

Neo Hittite and Later Aramean
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 1 David Mather

Mike Pickering

14.00 - 11.00 David Pallin

Greg Mann

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 2 David Pallin

Greg Mann

22.00 - 3.00 Tim Child

Chris Watling

Later Mycenean and Trojan War
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 2 Tim Child

Chris Watling

3.00 - 22.00 David Pallin

Greg Mann

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 2 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

25.00 - 0.00 Tim Kohler

Andy Parkin

Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 2 Tim Kohler

Andy Parkin

0.00 - 25.00 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 3 David Pallin

Greg Mann

12.00 - 13.00 John Fletcher

Classical Indian
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 3 John Fletcher

13.00 - 12.00 David Pallin

Greg Mann

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 3 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

7.00 - 18.00 Steve Mills

Early Carthaginian
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 3 Steve Mills

18.00 - 7.00 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 4 David Pallin

Greg Mann

21.00 - 4.00 Steve Mills

Early Carthaginian
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 4 Steve Mills

4.00 - 21.00 David Pallin

Greg Mann

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 4 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

10.00 - 15.00 Tim Child

Chris Watling

Later Mycenean and Trojan War
2025-02-23 Burton Doubles 2025 4 Tim Child

Chris Watling

15.00 - 10.00 Thom Richardson

Sagar Kumaraswamy

Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid
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