
Guildford 2014


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Greg Mann Later Swiss 1 18.00 80.00 2,133
Adrian Coombs-Hoar Serbian Empire 2 17.00 75.84 1,902
Lawrence Greaves Sicilian 2 17.00(-1) 75.84 2,122
Mike Bennett Later Muslim Indian 4 15.00(-2) 67.53 2,175
Andy Gilbert Tupi 4 15.00(-1) 67.53 1,913
Mike Pickering Ghurid 4 15.00(-2) 67.53 2,027
David Mather Ayyubid Egyptian 7 14.00(-2) 55.05 2,051
Mike Bowles Lusignian Cypriot 8 12.00 50.89 1,889
Tim Child Palaiologan Byzantine 8 12.00 50.89 2,000
Steve Rathgay Maya 8 12.00(-2) 50.89 2,001
Ben Faithful Later Swiss 11 11.00 38.42 2,000
Simon Brown Abyssinian and Horn of Africa 11 11.00 38.42 2,013
John Saunders Later Hungarian 11 11.00 38.42 1,869
Mark Hare Later Muslim Indian 14 7.00 25.95 2,017
Findlay Schofield French Ordonnance 14 7.00 25.95 1,932
John Fry Catalan Company 16 6.00 17.63 2,000
Bob Kendall Italian Condotta 16 6.00 17.63 1,877
Mark Schofield Italian Condotta 18 5.00 9.32 1,817
Chris Jones Wars of the Roses and Tudor English 19 2.00 5.16 1,885
Edward Jones Feudal English 20 0.00 1.00 2,000
Norman Whapshott Wars of the Roses and Tudor English 20 0.00 1.00 1,853
Scott Duncan Later Muslim Indian 20 0.00 1.00 2,000


No umpires


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 43476

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