
Milano 2010


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Luciano Marchisio Kushan 1 83.00 100.00 2,007
Davide Mura Nikephorian Byzantine 2 71.00 93.40 2,100
Paolo Paglianti Early Byzantine 3 69.00 86.80 2,152
Diego Zulich Carolingian Frankish 3 69.00 86.80 1,985
Fabio Terpin Nikephorian Byzantine 5 59.00 73.60 2,135
Gael Richard Ghaznavid 6 58.00 67.00 2,041
Riccardo Marchesi Rus 7 57.00 60.40 2,052
Stefano Grombi Patrician Roman 8 54.00 53.80 2,152
Lorenzo Mele Late T'ang and Five Dynasties Chinese 9 50.00 47.20 2,234
Dennis Peroni Ghaznavid 10 43.00 40.60 2,033
Salvatore Franco Arab Conquest 11 41.00 34.00 2,000
Andrea Picarelli Maurikian Byzantine 12 40.00 27.40 2,008
Simone Bettinelli West Frankish or Norman 12 40.00 27.40 1,800
Marco Boniardi Khmer and Cham 14 29.00 14.20 1,953
Ottaviano Micelli Khmer and Cham 15 27.00 7.60 2,055
Vincenzo Saracino Communal Italian 16 10.00 1.00 2,000


No umpires


Gianfranco Marucci for Marco Boniardi

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 32707

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