
Torino 2011


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Fabio Terpin Tuareg 1 78.00 100.00 2,121
Luciano Marchisio Italian Condotta 2 71.00 92.38 2,143
Giorgio Barberis Sung Chinese 3 64.00 84.77 2,039
Gael Richard Gallic 4 60.00 77.15 2,068
Dennis Peroni Later Swiss 5 58.00 69.54 2,047
Paolo Paglianti French Ordonnance 6 55.00 61.92 2,184
Gianfranco Marucci Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian 7 55.00 54.31 1,963
Davide Mura French Ordonnance 8 53.00 46.69 2,123
Alessandro Miguez Hunnic 9 43.00 39.08 1,869
Niccolo Terpin Medieval German 10 39.00 31.46 1,855
Riccardo Marchesi New Kingdom Egyptian 11 38.00 23.85 2,105
Vincenzo Saracino Late T'ang and Five Dynasties Chinese 12 38.00 16.23 1,785
Marco Guarnieri Ilkhanid 13 27.00 8.62 1,990
Thomas Faessler Italian Lombard 14 21.00 1.00 1,869


No umpires


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 28161

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