Central London

Central London 2013


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Mike Bennett Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu 1 78.00 100.00 2,157
Ian Austin Patrician Roman 2 69.00 92.93 2,127
David Pallin Middle Imperial Roman 3 61.00 85.86 2,087
Ian Mackay Hsiung-Nu or Juan-juan 4 57.00 78.79 2,055
Simon Brown Palmyran 5 55.00 71.71 2,001
Steve Bainbridge Seleucid 6 53.00 64.64 2,073
Colin Sharpe Pictish 7 50.00 57.57 2,039
Adrian Coombs-Hoar Late Imperial Roman 7 50.00 57.57 1,894
Toby Partridge Late Imperial Roman 9 49.00 43.43 2,072
David Mather Middle Imperial Roman 10 47.00 36.36 2,063
Jeavon Hood Alan 11 46.00 29.29 1,963
John Hills Marian Roman 12 44.00 22.21 1,925
Greg Mann Han Chinese 13 42.00 15.14 2,098
Craig Hulkes Hsiung-Nu or Juan-juan 14 34.00 8.07 1,904
Brian Holmes Chinese Northern and Southern Dynasties 15 1.00 1.00 1,938


Ian Mackay


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 30396

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