Central London

Central London 2012


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Mike Bennett Hittite Empire 1 78.00 100.00 2,140
Steve Bainbridge Early Carthaginian 2 75.00 93.40 2,055
Tim Child Later Mycenean and Trojan War 3 73.00 86.80 2,050
Greg Mann Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid 4 69.00 80.20 2,070
John Hickman Early Achaemenid Persian 5 59.00 73.60 1,970
Ian Austin Hittite Empire 6 56.00 67.00 2,145
Mike Pickering Minoan and Early Mycenaean 7 55.00 60.40 2,014
Brian Holmes Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese 8 51.00 53.80 2,000
Jon Smith Urartian 8 51.00 53.80 1,980
Chris Jolley Urartian 10 50.00 40.60 2,024
Ian Mackay Neo-Assyrian Empire 11 46.00 34.00 2,077
Max Usher Early Northern Barbarians 12 41.00 27.40 1,778
Gordon Garrard Early Carthaginian 13 29.00 20.80 1,881
Alec Harvey Etruscan League 14 24.00 14.20 2,042
Dave Saunders Hyksos 15 22.00 7.60 2,000
John Hills Neo-Babylonian 16 21.00 1.00 2,000


Ian Mackay


Mike Rowland for John Hills

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 32226

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