
Guildford 2018


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Adrian Coombs-Hoar Hittite Empire 1 18.00 80.00 1,918
Greg Mann Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid 2 15.00 76.24 2,147
Oren Taylor Early Hebrew 3 13.00 72.48 2,087
Mark Lauchs Mitanni 4 12.00 68.71 1,888
Tim Child Later Mycenean and Trojan War 4 12.00 68.71 2,001
Jon Smith Classical Indian 6 11.00 61.19 1,946
Steve Rathgay Syro-Canaanite and Ugaritic 6 11.00 61.19 2,012
John Fry Mannaian and Other Taurus and Zagros Highland States 6 11.00 61.19 1,761
Mike Bowles Makkan, Dilmun, Saba, Ma'in and Qataban 6 11.00 61.19 1,914
David Mather Early Carthaginian 10 10.00 46.14 2,059
Dave Giles Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian 11 9.00 42.38 2,011
Norman Whapshott Early Northern Barbarians 12 8.00 38.62 1,775
Ray Briggs Hittite Empire 12 8.00 38.62 1,960
Marc Priest Syro-Canaanite and Ugaritic 12 8.00 38.62 1,907
Mark Schofield Early Hoplite Greek 15 6.00 27.33 1,856
John Saunders Early Japanese 15 6.00 27.33 1,860
Chris Jones Neo-Babylonian 15 6.00 27.33 1,841
Steve Doubtfire Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian 18 4.00 16.05 2,000
Bob Robertson Early Northern Barbarians 19 3.00 12.29 2,000
Chris Watling Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese 19 3.00 12.29 2,000
Peter Phipps Early Carthaginian 19 3.00 12.29 2,000
Bob Kendall Neo-Assyrian Empire 22 2.00 1.00 1,843
Philip Hardy New Kingdom Egyptian 22 2.00 1.00 2,000


No umpires


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 44786

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