
Warfare 2012 15mm


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Steve Bainbridge Seleucid 1 72.00 100.00 2,067
Greg Mann Seleucid 1 72.00 100.00 2,073
Andy Wilcox Marian Roman 2 64.00 95.29 1,950
Mike Bennett Ariarathid Kappadokian 3 63.00 90.57 2,147
Stephen Jones Attalid Pergamene 4 61.00 85.86 1,746
Adrian Clarke Attalid Pergamene 4 61.00 85.86 2,044
Chris Jolley Marian Roman 5 60.00 81.14 2,020
Craig Barr Alexandrian Imperial 5 60.00 81.14 2,032
John Saunders Alexandrian Imperial 5 60.00 81.14 1,782
John Hickman Seleucid 7 54.00 71.71 1,980
Ian Austin Thracian 8 53.00 67.00 2,143
David Mather Alexandrian Macedonian 9 52.00 62.29 2,062
David Pallin Alexandrian Macedonian 9 52.00 62.29 2,088
Graham Lock Seleucid 10 51.00 57.57 2,076
Mike Pickering Marian Roman 10 51.00 57.57 2,015
Lawrence Greaves Kyrenean Greek 10 51.00 57.57 2,094
Arnim Lueck Pyrrhic 10 51.00 57.57 2,115
Peter Kershaw Later Achaemenid Persian 14 50.00 38.71 1,949
Gordon Harrow Later Achaemenid Persian 14 50.00 38.71 1,997
Steve Rathgay Alexandrian Macedonian 15 49.00 34.00 2,000
Jon Smith Graeco-Bactrian and Graeco-Indian 16 48.00 29.29 1,977
Keith Nathan Early Carthaginian 17 44.00 24.57 1,971
Mike Bowles Galatian 18 38.00 19.86 1,876
Andy Gilbert Galatian 18 38.00 19.86 1,875
Jann Bengen Marian Roman 19 37.00 15.14 2,204
John Fletcher Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu 20 36.00 10.43 2,076
Roger Greenwood Arabo-Aramaean 21 35.00 5.71 1,935
Mark Schofield Later Hoplite Greek 22 20.00 1.00 1,849
Findlay Schofield Later Hoplite Greek 22 20.00 1.00 2,000


Tim Child


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 58143

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