
Challenge 2014


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Greg Mann Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid 1 113.00 120.00 2,114
Peter Haines Kushite Egyptian 2 92.00 114.05 2,134
Ian Austin Hittite Empire 3 74.00 108.10 2,133
Steve Rathgay Early Sumerian 4 73.00 102.15 1,997
Mike Pickering Minoan and Early Mycenaean 4 73.00 102.15 2,022
Adrian Clarke Early Vietnamese 6 72.00 90.25 2,092
David Mather Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu 7 71.00 84.30 2,049
Jim Gibson Early Carthaginian 8 68.00 78.35 2,095
Peter Kershaw New Kingdom Egyptian 8 68.00 78.35 1,975
John Fletcher Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese 10 67.00 66.45 2,065
Roger Greenwood Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian 11 65.00 60.50 2,049
Ray Briggs Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian 12 58.00 54.55 1,960
Keith Nathan Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid 12 58.00 54.55 1,958
Ian Sims Neo-Assyrian Empire 14 56.00 42.65 1,990
Phil Hosker Sea Peoples 15 55.00 36.70 2,010
Stephen Jones New Kingdom Egyptian 16 47.00 30.75 1,790
Andy Gilbert Libyan Egyptian 17 46.00 24.80 1,926
Adrian Coombs-Hoar Hittite Empire 17 46.00 24.80 1,901
Mike Bowles Lydian 19 43.00 12.90 1,888
Craig Barr Early Achaemenid Persian 19 43.00 12.90 2,002
Marc Priest Syro-Canaanite and Ugaritic 21 26.00 1.00 1,910


Tim Child


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 42060

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