Formula 1 Ancients

MK One-Dayer 2011


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Alec Harvey Early Carthaginian 1 50.00 80.00 2,025
Darrell Pearce Neo-Babylonian 2 42.00 77.97 2,001
Chris Robinson Neo-Assyrian Empire 3 40.00 75.95 2,172
Jon Smith Later Mycenean and Trojan War 3 40.00 75.95 2,000
Peter Haines Hittite Empire 5 39.00 71.90 2,179
Neil Sutherland Libyan Egyptian 6 38.00 69.87 2,045
Ray Briggs Early Northern Barbarians 7 36.00 67.85 1,978
John Fletcher Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese 8 35.00 65.82 2,041
David Pallin Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid 9 33.00 63.79 2,072
Steve Bainbridge Early Carthaginian 9 33.00 63.79 2,083
Lawrence Greaves Kyrenean Greek 9 33.00 63.79 2,047
Tim Child Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu 12 31.00 57.72 2,038
Greg Mann Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian 13 30.00 55.69 2,027
Simon Brown Makkan, Dilmun, Saba, Ma'in and Qataban 14 29.00 53.67 2,017
Pete Gillespy Early Achaemenid Persian 14 29.00 53.67 1,877
Toby Partridge New Kingdom Egyptian 16 28.00 49.62 2,025
Jim Gibson Sea Peoples 16 28.00 49.62 2,100
Adrian Coombs-Hoar Hittite Empire 18 27.00 45.56 1,869
Mike Pickering Minoan and Early Mycenaean 18 27.00 45.56 2,011
Steve Scott Lydian 18 27.00 45.56 2,000
Mike Newnham Saitic Egyptian 21 26.00 39.49 1,890
Gordon Harrow Medes, Zikirtu, Andia or Parsua 22 25.00 37.46 2,010
Peter Kershaw New Kingdom Egyptian 23 24.00 35.44 1,962
Don Avis New Kingdom Egyptian 24 23.00 33.41 2,063
Steve Rathgay Syro-Canaanite and Ugaritic 24 23.00 33.41 1,963
John Godsall Neo-Babylonian 26 22.00 29.36 2,003
John Hickman Early Achaemenid Persian 26 22.00 29.36 1,907
Stuart Whigham Lydian 28 20.00 25.31 1,911
Andy Gilbert Early Hoplite Greek 29 19.00 23.28 1,874
Max Usher Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu 29 19.00 23.28 1,768
Ian Sims Middle Assyrian and Early Neo Assyrian 31 17.00 19.23 1,950
Dave Pothecary Neo-Assyrian Later Sargonid 32 14.00 17.21 1,815
John Roche Hittite Empire 32 14.00 17.21 2,000
Mike Bowles Lydian 34 13.00 13.15 1,893
John Saunders Etruscan League 34 13.00 13.15 1,759
Chris Jones Early Hoplite Greek 36 11.00 9.10 2,000
Gordon Garrard Later Hebrew 37 9.00 7.08 1,915
Richard Scholefield Libyan Egyptian 38 6.00 5.05 2,000
Craig Hulkes Western Chou and Spring and Autumn Chinese 39 3.00 3.03 1,904
M S New Kingdom Egyptian 40 2.00 1.00 1,896


No umpires


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 79090

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