Formula 1 Ancients

Guildford 2012


Competitor Army Position Score Ranking Rating
Oren Taylor Warring States and Ch'in Chinese 1 48.00 80.00 2,131
Steve Bainbridge Seleucid 2 46.00 77.45 2,067
Greg Mann Early German 3 44.00 74.90 2,073
Neil Sutherland Bithynian 4 43.00 72.35 2,027
Andy Gilbert Kimmerian, Skythian or Early Hu 5 39.00 69.81 1,875
Ian Sims Later Hoplite Greek 6 38.00 67.26 1,971
Jim Gibson Classical Indian 7 36.00 64.71 2,097
John Hickman Seleucid 8 32.00 62.16 1,980
David Pallin Alexandrian Imperial 8 32.00 62.16 2,088
Jon Smith Tamil Indian and Sinhalese 10 0.00(+30) 57.06 1,977
Ian Mackay Alan 10 30.00 57.06 2,072
Tim Child Early Frankish, Alamanni, Quadi, Suevi, Rugian or Turcilingi 12 29.00 51.97 2,060
Richard Jeffrey-Cook Seleucid 12 29.00 51.97 2,005
Mark Schofield Later Hoplite Greek 14 27.00 46.87 1,849
Mike Bennett Hsiung-Nu or Juan-juan 15 26.00 44.32 2,147
Mike Bowles Sassanid Persian 16 25.00 41.77 1,876
John Saunders Pre-Samurai Japanese 16 25.00 41.77 1,784
John Godsall Pre-Samurai Japanese 18 22.00 36.68 1,950
David Mather Sassanid Persian 18 22.00 36.68 2,062
Norman Whapshott Hunnic 20 21.00 31.58 1,866
Marc Priest Later Carthaginian 21 18.00 29.03 1,849
Roy Loach Camillan Roman 22 17.00 26.48 1,857
Rob Taylor Alexandrian Macedonian 23 16.00 23.94 2,000
Adrian Coombs-Hoar Early Visigothic 24 15.00 21.39 1,898
Bob Kendall Marian Roman 25 14.00 18.84 1,849
Mike Pickering Marian Roman 25 14.00 18.84 2,015
Ray Briggs Han Chinese 25 14.00 18.84 1,980
Max Usher Middle Imperial Roman 28 13.00 11.19 1,795
Marc Hare Kushan 29 12.00 8.65 2,038
Chris Jones Marian Roman 30 6.00 6.10 1,886
Steve Coope Patrician Roman 31 5.00 3.55 2,012
Dave Saunders Marian Roman 32 3.00 1.00 1,799


No umpires


No stand-ins

Rating is the initial Glicko rating of each player at the start of the competition.

Total rating of all players in this competition was 62935

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